Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What Can Michelle Do for Public Schools?

Michelle Obama was out on Monday visiting the Department of Education. She gave the employees a hearty Thank You! for all of their hardwork. She says there is much to be done. That couldn't have been further from the truth. I have three boys in the public school system and I see first hand the struggles of our hard working teachers. I am convinced that Michelle will remain committed to working families and the public schools system. Those two institutions are the bedrock of our country.

If I had an opportunity to submit a laundry list of requests to Michelle regarding public schools, I would ask for:

1. Higher pay for Teachers and school staff ( I would propose six-figure salaries)
2. Build new schools and completely overhaul others that are run-down and are not technically advanced
3. Provide any and all necessary education programs for children with special needs
4. Provide after-school enrichment for disadvantaged children
5. Decrease classroom sizes
6. Keep lunches healthy
7. Provide teachers with ALL supplies - no more paying out of pocket
8. Provide pre-K for all students
9. Hire teacher assistants for all classrooms, especially elementary classrooms
10. Ensure that all schools are equal in quality of staff, building and educational programs

What issues would you request our First Lady to explore in regards to our Public School System?

*Photo source ed.gov

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Convince the educators to really get engaged in educating our kids. After all they already make more money and have more resources than educators before them and produce less.