Monday, November 10, 2008

Private School or Public School

Today the media reports that Michelle (I feel weird using her first name) I feel like I should say Mrs. Obama or First Lady, show some respect, you know what I mean? But, I digress. The media reports that Michelle visited a couple of schools today for her lovely daughters, Sasha and Malia. The schools on the radar are Sidwell Friends School , Maret School and Georgetown Day. There may even be a consideration of Public Schools, Francis-Stevens in Washington DC is at the top of the list. Everyone has been weighing in about whether Sasha and Malia should attend public and private school and the political statements that could be made if they attend Public School. Personally, I think that this is a private decision. The same way that no one should be able to come into your house and tell you which schools your kids should go to, extend the Obamas the same courtesy. And I certainly don't think that Sasha and Malia will be used to make a statement of any sort. Trust, that neither Barack nor Michelle would ever do such a thing.

Remember, Michelle is the self-proclaimed "Mom-in-Chief". She is stalwart when it comes to her baby girls. Their safety is paramount. Especially in an environment where The First Family can be targets. I support whatever decision Michelle makes were the girls are concerned. She is their best guardian. And don't forget that Grandmom, Mrs. Robinson, is 2nd in command!


melkennah said...

I do believe that this is a decision that should be made privately, but let's be honest...given the historic nature surrounding our new First Family, this "ain't" going to be a private moment (decision) for them. Come on...the news is covering what type of dog they should get for the girls, so you know a decision surrounding where they should go to school is going to be a hot topic up for discussion. I believe that they should go to a private school, for obvious security reasons...but that's just my 2 cents....

Jazzy said...

I would have to say that unfortunately nothing that the Obama's ever have to make a decision on will be private again. Not if it is leaked to the media. That is just the price you pay when you become a public figure! The world thrives on the latest topics and will put there 2 cents in wherever they can. It's what keeps the news anchors in business and the paparazzi paid!

Bennita Bullett said...

I want to be politically correct with the issue. So, with that being said: while it is a constitutional right for Barack and Michelle Obamba to choose which educational program is in the best interest of thier children, thier right will not be private. They now have a highly ranked political status. In my opinion, it would speak volumes if Sasha and Malia attended a public school. This would clearly go against the norm of other president's educational pick for thier children and it would change the public education system forever. Forever in a historic way. We want the Obama's to continue to make history...the legacy could continue to Sasha and Malia attending public schools.

Taj said...

For security reasons, it seems easier to protect their "little people" if they were in a private school. Besides, they are used to a private setting. Bet it will be a private decision, as it should be.

bw said...

It will be interesting to see what they choose. The bottomline is that we want Sasha and Malia to be safe. I am sure they will get a great education in either location, but we want them to be SAFE and we want the girls to have some measure of privacy.

MOMOF3 said...

I am still on a high from last Tuesday. I love the fact that Michelle has said she is a mom first and won't be needing an office in the west wing. Either way they choose, it will create some buzz. They have now been catapulted to "prominence" so why not allow their kids to go to the schools of other big wigs in DC. They would be able to afford it even if they were't the first family. All the buzz about this "big" decision will die down after Jan 20th as President Obama starts reversing W. mess